If you want a 1:1 business mentorship that brings to life your KINGDOM CALLING to multiply your talents as the Bible has instructed us to do as a Christian business owner, then Financial Freedom Funnel Club is for you!

Welcome to your God sized Mega-Star Moment

The Club is your one stop shop for Christian business owners who are ready to activate multi-six figures and beyond aka your God-sized MEGASTAR MOMENT

Matthew 25:14-30 

'"You have delivered to me 5 talents; here I have made five talents MORE." His master said to him "well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much."

For the Biblically aligned female powerhouses that don't ask permission to claim THAT life: the kind others look at and go- "How did she do THAT?"

I'll show you how to show up to sell daily in a Christ-aligned way without burnout so the money you receive is an outcome of your Kingdom driven mission to deliver true value to your clients

“My business feels like a “Kingdom Focused Fortune” moment all the dang time, and I’m obsessed!”

choose to become fearless so you can sell at price points representing the magnitude of who you are just like these dozens of clients of mine 
What if you eliminated stress around pricing & changed your life at the same time
This could be your life changing experience

This 12-month club is for you if…

You have had some insane cash months and are ready get your cash flowing at a level you never have before without adding more hours to your calendar

You want to tap into never before achieved revenue milestones through mastering a confidence from within that doesn't waver

Your gut is calling you out of more hours worked and into sustainable offer models 

You want to refine your messaging to nail an “I can’t resist this” vibe in your salescopy in order to land more premium clients who pay you in full without hesitation

Imagine doing this like all of the powerhouses who have gone before you
Here’s what I teach you inside of Financial Freedom Funnel Club…

How to speak to your leads in a Biblically-aligned way that takes them from click to cash through your website landing pages, emails, and social media

How to create offers from a place of abundance and alignment with your God-given talents rather than “I have to” or “this is what I should do”

How to automate your sales process using multi-day email marketing sequences so that your dream clients pay you multi-4 and 5 figures in full without you feeling guilty for it

How to design seamless customer journeys using funnels so that each offer whether free or paid has already built trust and minimized risk for your leads to pay you again and again

How to build a massive level of self-trust that enables you to generate unprecedented levels of spiritual, emotional, and financial wealth

How to build an audience aligned to your Biblical values that raves about you like never before

How to hold boundaries around your time and pricing so you can show up fully present in your day every day as a believer

How to feel 100% invested in your business even when sales eb and flow so that you find your worth in WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST, not the money you make so that the cash hits levels it never has before

How to market yourself and sell daily without the manual toll of endless creation 

How to evaluate your capacity internally to evolve your offers and scale your business sustainably WITHOUT an overwhelm of information that is currently confusing and leaving people empty handed  and without answers who aren't of Christ

Time freedom tastes like putting your full trust in the Lord to prosper your business while you’re spending your time how you want 
Time freedom tastes like giving yourself permission to charge for the talents God has given you in a Biblically aligned way 

When you join Financial Freedom Funnel Club, you get instant access to the following programs on demand: 

 Fortify Your Funnel Academy: How to Build your Multi-Six Figure Revenue Machine ($20,000 value)

Your Simple Funnel to Take Your Profit Up a Notch: Plan your $10,000 Launch ($10 000 value)

The Confidence Catalyst: How to Activate your vision for multi-six figure years ($2,000 value)

Heart and SOLD Sales: SIX TIMES your monthly cash flow by leading with your values ($6,000 value)

Email Escalator: How to Increase Your Monthly Cash Flow by $20K using Automated Email Sequences ($12,000 value)

Instagram Impressions- DM Dynamite: How to actually close sales in the DM's ($27,000 value) 

Instagram Impressions- Lights Camera Action: How to talk on Instagram stories so dream leads actually buy ($35,000 value)

Dedicated to Districts: How to write and pitch multi-5 figure proposals to schools and districts for edupreneurs & teacherpreneurs ($60,000 value)

Kingdom Focused Fortune: How to multiply your talents as a Christian business owner ($900 value)

Down for Dollars: How to charge multi-five figures for your offers ($1997 value)

You'll also get access to all LIVE funnel building experiences happening during your year: 

Hooked on High Ticket: How to master your messaging so the cash flows ($3,300 value)

Buh Bye For a Few Months: Lock in recurring revenue for Your Maternity Leave or Sabbatical ($2,700 value)

All in Lead Magnets: How to Grab 60 Hot Leads a Week Organically, without ads ($2,222 value)

Shake & Bake Sales: How to Shake Up Your Offer Suite So Clients Keep Buying ($349 value)

When you join the VIP Financial Freedom Funnel Club Membership , you get the following services:

Access to all on demand programs (over 200 videos and voice trainings)

Access to all upcoming LIVE programs

11 Monthly 25 Minute Strategy Sessions 1:1 with Christina

1:1 voice coaching with Christina M-Th 9 AM- 12 PM CST on voxer

Weekly salescopy review for Christina to ensure your salescopy converts into sales

When you join the On Demand + LIVE program membership , you get the following services:

Access to all on demand programs that you see listed above (over 200 videos and voice trainings) 

Access to all upcoming LIVE programs that you see listed above

Over $137,000  in TOTAL VALUE
Financial freedom is Being in your God-given calling while producing a return on investment with the talents god has given you
What if your reality became being fully present in your day without the nag of doing more or being more but by feeling 100% enough because of your identity in Christ 
There is no limit to how you'll evolve and lead yourself into a massive return on investment when you tap into your god-given imagination and creativity

Contact information

Billing address

Financial Freedom Funnel Club™
Terms and Conditions
This contract is entered into as of the date of purchase between Welty Solutions LLC & the individual making this purchase.
What it Is
Financial Freedom Funnel Club™ provides a comprehensive overview of what it takes to build a successful business. Client understands that their success in the membership is dependent on client’s level of participation in the membership. Client must work to implement the tools and strategies learned throughout and make considerable efforts towards Client’s own development on client’s own time during the membership.
In order to get the most out of this experience, it is essential that you implement strategies given, complete all “homework”, attend LIVE calls, events, and programming, be an active participant and watch/read all materials.
You are solely and exclusively responsible for your own mental health, physical health, business decisions, revenue growth, and any other actions or inaction you choose to take during this membership.
These services do not constitute a therapeutic relationship or a medical one. We do not provide therapy or medical services and you are responsible for procuring these services at your own will and discretion if needed.
No Guarantee of Income
There is no guarantee of income with this membership. If revenue or sales figures are presented on our Website and other social media or email channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Any testimonials represented on this website from past clients or customers of our products and services are actual truthful statements. By using this website, you recognize and agree that testimonials are not a guarantee of results that you or anyone else will obtain by using any products or services offered by Welty Solutions LLC.
There are no refunds for this membership. The client may cancel their participation in the program at any time. Upon cancellation, programs and services will be terminated. However, no refunds will be given for payments already made in previous months. Client will still be responsible for making all payments dues if on a payment plan. Client’s failure to participate in the membership is not grounds for a refund.
In the event that the client engages in abusive or unprofessional behavior towards the company or members, the company reserves the right to cancel the client’s enrollment in the membership and terminate access to services without notice. No refund will be provided in the event that this takes place. Client will remain obligated to pay all remaining unpaid membership fees.
The company may be excused of any further performance obligations in the event a disastrous occurrence outside the control of the company that materially affects the Services provided in this agreement including:
A natural disaster
War, invasion, or other hostility (declared or not)
Any hazardous situation created outside the control of the party such as disorder, pandemic, or epidemic, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of terrorism
Welty Solutions LLC will not be found in breach of these terms and conditions if any of 1-3 occurs above.
Services & Timeframe Provided During this Program
The mentorship begins on the date you make your payment and ends 365 days from your enrollment date. During that time, you will have access to all on demand virtual trainings, programs, and classes as well as all live virtual trainings, programs, and classes taking place during your year that Christina puts on:
Fortify Your Funnel Academy: How to Build your Multi-Six Figure Revenue Machine ($20,000 value)
Your Simple Funnel to Take Your Profit Up a Notch: Plan your $10,000 Launch ($10 000 value)
The Confidence Catalyst: How to Activate your vision for multi-six figure years ($2,000 value)
Heart and SOLD Sales: SIX TIMES your monthly cash flow by leading with your values ($6,000 value)
Email Escalator: How to Increase Your Monthly Cash Flow by $20K using Automated Email Sequences ($12,000 value)
Instagram Impressions- DM Dynamite: How to actually close sales in the DM's ($27,000 value)
Instagram Impressions- Lights Camera Action: How to talk on Instagram stories so dream leads actually buy ($35,000 value)
Dedicated to Districts: How to write and pitch multi-5 figure proposals to schools and districts for edupreneurs & teacherpreneurs ($60,000 value)
Kingdom Focused Fortune: How to multiply your talents as a Christian business owner ($900 value)
Down for Dollars: How to charge multi-five figures for your offers ($1997 value)
Hooked on High Ticket: How to master your messaging so the cash flows ($3,300 value)
Buh Bye For a Few Months: Lock in recurring revenue for Your Maternity Leave or Sabbatical ($2,700 value)
All in Lead Magnets: How to Grab 60 Hot Leads a Week Organically, without ads ($2,222 value)
Shake & Bake Sales: How to Shake Up Your Offer Suite So Clients Keep Buying ($349 value)

Your access to all Financial Freedom Funnel Club™ platforms, materials and services will end at 365 days from your enrollment date.
You will receive 3 strategy sessions with Christina on google meets (onboarding, mid-year, and end of year). Sessions will not be conducted during September & October 2024. Christina will conduct strategy sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays between 9 AM and 1 PM CST.
When you join the VIP Financial Freedom Funnel Club Membership , you get the following services at $8304 PIF or 12 payments of $883:
Access to all on demand programs (over 200 videos and voice trainings)
Access to all upcoming LIVE programs
11 Monthly 25 Minute Strategy Sessions with Christina on google meets. Strategy sessions will not take place the last week of each month.
1:1 voice coaching with Christina M-Th 9 AM- 12 PM CST on voxer. Voice coaching takes place on an app called voxer. Christina will check voxer 3 times per day Monday-Thursday between 9 AM- 2PM CST. Voxer coaching will not take place the last week of each month. Voice coaching is self-led by the client. You are responsible for bringing to the table what you would like Christina’s opinion and feedback on each week!
Weekly deliverables review from Christina: deliverables feedback is given once per week on your workbook and program deliverables. Documents must be tagged with in a comment by 8 AM every Wednesday for salescopy review to be given by Christina. Feedback will be delivered within 1 week of submission. You can tag Christina in a lesson workbook or another deliverable from the courses. Deliverables review will not take place the last week of each month. Deliverables include all program and course workbook pages and templates provided by Christina.
When you join the On Demand + LIVE program membership , you get access to the following courses and programs for $4164 PIF or 12 payments of $416:
Fortify Your Funnel Academy: How to Build your Multi-Six Figure Revenue Machine ($20,000 value)
Your Simple Funnel to Take Your Profit Up a Notch: Plan your $10,000 Launch ($10 000 value)
The Confidence Catalyst: How to Activate your vision for multi-six figure years ($2,000 value)
Heart and SOLD Sales: SIX TIMES your monthly cash flow by leading with your values ($6,000 value)
Email Escalator: How to Increase Your Monthly Cash Flow by $20K using Automated Email Sequences ($12,000 value)
Instagram Impressions- DM Dynamite: How to actually close sales in the DM's ($27,000 value)
Instagram Impressions- Lights Camera Action: How to talk on Instagram stories so dream leads actually buy ($35,000 value)
Dedicated to Districts: How to write and pitch multi-5 figure proposals to schools and districts for edupreneurs & teacherpreneurs ($60,000 value)
Kingdom Focused Fortune: How to multiply your talents as a Christian business owner ($900 value)
Down for Dollars: How to charge multi-five figures for your offers ($1997 value)
Hooked on High Ticket: How to master your messaging so the cash flows ($3,300 value)
Buh Bye For a Few Months: Lock in recurring revenue for Your Maternity Leave or Sabbatical ($2,700 value)
All in Lead Magnets: How to Grab 60 Hot Leads a Week Organically, without ads ($2,222 value)
Shake & Bake Sales: How to Shake Up Your Offer Suite So Clients Keep Buying ($349 value)

Rescheduling & Recordings
All calls and trainings are recorded by the company. Clients can access the calls via the online course platform and Telegram chats (if applicable). Client agrees and consents to the recording of all calls.
Membership calls will be scheduled by the company. In the event you cannot attend the call, client can inform the company, however the call will take place at the scheduled time. Clients will receive a recording of the call within 72 hours. Client is not entitled to any refund due to not being able to attend a call or the time having to be changed by the company. Welty Solutions LLC reserves the right to reschedule calls as needed.
Affiliate Links
You might be provided with affiliate links under which Welty Solutions LLC may benefit monetarily. Company in no way guarantees the quality of service provided by any third party and bears no liability with respect to such service or experience. There is not guarantee of income with your affiliate link.
Faith Disclosure
Christina coaches from a Biblical perspective as a Christ following saved believer in his death and resurrection on the cross so that we might spend eternity with him. If you are not okay with coaching and teaching business programs from this lens, do no sign up for the Club.

Intellectual Property
The services provided may not be shared with any party. If we suspect that the services are being shared, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your access to the services, in our sole and exclusive discretion.
You agree that the websites, messages, recordings, trainings, and all materials Christina has created and all Services provided by Welty Solutions LLC are the property of Welty Solutions LLC, including all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and other intellectual property including but not limited to all templates provided in this program. You agree that Welty Solutions LLC owns all right, title and interest in and to Welty Solutions LLC and that you will not use Welty Solutions LLC’s IP for any unlawful or infringing purpose. You agree not to reproduce or distribute Welty Solution's IP in any way, including electronically or via registration of any new trademarks, trade names, service marks or Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).

Upon enrolling in this experience, you’ve entered into a contract and agree to pay the balance of $8340.00 in full or in 12 payments of $883.00 for the VIP mentorship if this is the one you selected at checkout.
Upon enrolling in this experience, you’ve entered into a contract and agree to pay the balance of $4164.00 in full or in 12 payments of $416.00 for the LIVE program and on demand membership if this is the one you selected at checkout.
If you selected a payment plan of 12 payments, you understand that subsequent payments will be charged to your account every 30 days. The card you put on file will be kept and automatically charged every 30 days. Upon enrolling in this membership with the initial payment, you’ve entered into these terms of service as a legally binding agreement between us and agree to pay the balance in installments over the agreed upon time period, even if it extends beyond the duration of the course. Failure to do so will result in legal action and immediate discontinuation of membership services. If your payment does not go through for following payments, your access to the course and services will be suspended until payment is made. In the event that any authorized charge applied by us to your card fails, you remain responsible for payment as agreed to, as well as any penalty/ late fees as detailed below. This is not a cancel at any time membership subscription. All payments are due and non-canceable.
Client authorizes Welty Solutions LLC to make all charges at the time they are due and does not require separate authorization in order to do so.

Late Payment Fee
If any fee outlined in this agreement remains unpaid following its due date, a late fee of 10% of the payment due will be assessed; a late fee will be assessed every subsequent 7 day period. We reserve the right to restrict your access to the Services or pause your participation in the membership until payments are in good standing and until all outstanding fees have been paid in full.

Social Media Usage
You agree that social media is used for the purposes of engaging with Christina’s content and not asking questions about the membership. Any questions in relations to programming, funnel building, or services provided in the Club should be directed to However, you are welcome to share your wins and what you’re learning in the DM’s with Christina.
Each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party from and against any loss, cost, or damage of any kind (including reasonable outside attorneys' fees) to the extent arising out of its breach of this Agreement, and/or its negligence or willful misconduct. Both parties also agree to also indemnify, defend, and hold harmless each other’s other employees.

You understand that your name, photo, and all forms of text sent as a message inside of Telegram, Voxer, or other programming apps during this membership will be used for the purpose of marketing on Welty Solutions LLC's social media platforms and websites.
Reach out to Christina via email
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    VIP Membership with Christina (includes 1:1 mentorship) ($8340.00)$8340.00
  • Preferred option
    VIP Membership with Christina (includes 1:1 mentorship) Split pay (12x $883.00)12x $883.00
  • Preferred option
    Live Program & On Demand Membership ($4164.00)$4164.00
  • Preferred option
    Live Program & On Demand Membership ($416.00/month)12x $416.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Financial Freedom Funnel Club$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xFinancial Freedom Funnel Club$0

All prices in USD

Financial freedom tastes like investments that give spiritual and emotional returns in addition to financial returns because the Biblical alignment is just as important as the external results