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Down for Dollars: How to Charge
Multi-5 Figures for Your Offers
4 Week Offer Suite Alignment Bootcamp with Christina

Down for Dollars is for you if...

You have an offer suite built out but you know you could be charging more for your offers or add a higher ticket offer into your funnel

You want to neutralize your reaction to money so you can quit focusing on the price and instead, always feel joy when selling

You need to identify where you are out of alignment in your business so that you can reactivate cash flow

You want to ensure you are building scaleable one to many offers that can take on 100+ clients while still working 5-10 hours a week 

How will the program be delivered?

Over 20 mini-trainings from Christina to walk you through step by step strategies for stacking your offer suite for optimal cash flow and how to charge price points at multi-5 figures that feels right for you

Four on demand salescopy workshops in which Christina will model how to write salescopy for your offers to generate more cash flow

Christina will provide you with funnel maps, offer alignment templates, and pricing calculators to ensure you can implement the strategies given inside your exclusive Down for Dollars Workbook

Contact information

Billing address

Down for Dollars
Terms and Conditions:

Down for Dollars is a 4 week bootcamp and provides a comprehensive overview of what it takes to sell offers at multi-5 figures. But, you have to put in the time and do the work to get the results you desire.

In order to get the most out of this experience, it is essential that you watch all trainings and listen to all voice trainings on Telegram!

You are solely and exclusively responsible for your own mental health, physical health, business decisions, and any other actions or inaction you choose to take during this program.
These services do not constitute a therapeutic relationship or a medical one. We do not provide therapy or medical services and you are responsible for procuring these services at your own will and discretion if needed.

No Guarantee of Income
There is no guarantee of income with this purchase. If revenue or sales figures are presented on our Website and other social media or email channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Any testimonials represented on this website from past clients or customers of our products and services are actual truthful statements. By using this website, you recognize and agree that testimonials are not a guarantee of results that you or anyone else will obtain by using any products or services offered by Welty Solutions LLC.

What It Isn’t:
This service is not a “magic bullet” that will instantly deliver success. Selling offers at multi-five figures is a LONG TERM commitment, and while the foundation you lay and the practices you’ll establish inside this program are invaluable, they will not work if you do not make this a priority.

Intellectual Property
The services and materials provided may not be shared with any party. If we suspect that the services are being shared, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your access to the services, in our sole and exclusive discretion.

You agree that the websites Christina has created and all Services provided by the Coach/Consultant are the property of Welty Solutions LLC, including all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and other intellectual property including but not limited to all templates provided in this program. You agree that Welty Solutions LLC owns all right, title and interest in and to Welty Solutions LLC and that you will not use Welty Solutions LLC’s IP for any unlawful or infringing purpose. You agree not to reproduce or distribute Welty Solution's IP in any way, including electronically or via registration of any new trademarks, trade names, service marks or Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).

Payment & Benefits
Upon enrolling in this experience, you’ve entered into a contract and agree to pay the balance of $797 for the 4 week bootcamp OR $1797 for the 4 week bootcamp with VIP Upgrade in full based upon your selection of included benefits:
Weekly recorded voice trainings with weekly template
One weekly salescopy workshop
Lifetime access or up to one year access to the Telegram broadcast channel

If the client selected a VIP Upgrade, the client will also receive the following:
4 25 minute strategy sessions with Christina on google meet between July 8th- August 2nd, 2024. Christina will conduct strategy sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays between 9 AM and 1 PM CST. You are responsible for scheduling these sessions with Christina and initiate scheduling the calls through her calendar link. Sessions will not be made up at a later date if you do not schedule for your month.
You also have voxer access to Christina to ask your questions throughout your 4 weeks. How you use your time on voxer is self-led. Self led means you will bring to the table what you want Christina’s advice, feedback, and strategy input for based on the programming and learnings you have experienced inside Down for Dollars. Voxer coaching will be available Monday-Thursday between the hours of 9 AM CST and 2 PM CST.

Refund Policy:
There are no refunds for these services. If your payment does not go through for following payments, your access to the course and services will be suspended until payment is made.
The company may be excused of any further performance obligations in the event a disastrous occurrence outside the control of the company that materially effects the Services provided in this agreement including:
A natural disaster
War, invasion, or other hostility (declared or not)
Any hazardous situation created outside the control of the party such as disorder, pandemic, or epidemic, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of terrorism
Welty Solutions LLc will not be found in breach of this terms of service if any of 1-3 occurs above.

Rescheduling & Recordings
All calls and trainings are recorded by the company. Clients can access the calls via the Telegram chats (if applicable). Client agrees and consents to the recording of all calls.
LIVE calls will be scheduled by the company. In the event you cannot attend the call, client can inform the company, however the call will take place at the scheduled time. Clients will receive a recording of the call within 72 hours. Client is not entitled to any refund due to not being able to attend a call or the time having to be changed by the company. Welty Solutions LLC reserves the right to reschedule calls as needed.

Time Frame
You have access to this digital product for one year but can download all telegram templates and voice recordings. LIVE programming will occur between July 8th and August 2nd, 2024.

Each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party from and against any loss, cost, or damage of any kind (including reasonable outside attorneys' fees) to the extent arising out of its breach of this Agreement, and/or its negligence or willful misconduct. Both parties also agree to also indemnify, defend, and hold harmless each other’s other employees.

Social Media Usage
You agree that social media is used for the purposes of engaging with Christina’s content and not asking questions about the membership. Any questions in relations to programming, funnel building, or services provided in the Club should be directed to christina@coachstina.com. However, you are welcome to share your wins and what you’re learning in the DM’s with Christina.

You understand that your name, photo, and all forms of text sent as a message inside of Telegram, Voxer, or other programming apps during this membership will be used for the purpose of marketing on Welty Solutions LLC's social media platforms and websites.

Reach out to Christina via email christina@coachstina.com. Christina will not respond to messages via DM’s with questions about your purchase.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Down for Dollars$797

  • Total payment
  • 1xDown for Dollars$797

All prices in USD